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Library: Selborne

University of Lincoln library search for Selborne students studying on University of Lincoln programmes

Successful Searching

Strategies for Successful Searching

When you begin your research, you first need to consider what kind of material will best suit your needs. While you may sometimes require access to live or recorded performances, performance reviews, and sheet music; for most academic essays, you will need to find a good range of peer reviewed journal articles to show you have thoroughly researched the topic area of your assignment, and/or answer your essay question. 


You can search for information for your assignments by typing keywords into the library search box and by using the Advanced Search


If you are not already logged on you will be asked to enter your student email address ( and password.  

The video below explains how you can develop a search strategy and introduce some techniques to either limit or expand your search results.

Seven steps to searching

Seven steps to searching

Click on image to enlarge.

Seven steps to Searching, courtesy of The University of Manchester Library - My Learning Essentials online tutorial - Planning and reviewing your search.