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BibliU provides access to a collection of downloadable key texts that the library subscribes to on an annual basis.



Accessing BibliU eBooks

BibliU provides ebook access using the following ebook purchase models:

  1. User Acquired Acquisition (UAA) - the library identifies a title that they would like available in full text electronically. Students can view the first 20 pages without the library being charged.  If more than 20 pages are read the student is able to access/download/view the ebook as long as it is on the UAA list.  The library is charged the cost of the ebook.
  2. Title by title - the library purchases access to a particular title.  The subscription is for one year, after that the book will no longer be available via BibliU.

You will not be able to identify the purchase model of the ebook you are viewing so, if you find that the ebook that you could access via BibliU is no longer available, it is recommended that you contact your Subject Librarian who will be able to advise on the access model and may be able to suggest alternative access (if it is no longer available via BibliU).

Annotations and highlighting

How to access and download a BibliU eBook