University Library telephone number: : +44 (0) 1522 88 6222 (University Library)
The Ross Library for Biomedical & Health Sciences: : +44 (0) 1522 83 5252 (The Ross Library for Biomedical & Health Sciences)
NCFM Library telephone number: : +44 (0) 1406 49 3046 (NCFM Library)
University Library email address: :
University Library Facebook account: : UOLLibrary
University Library Instagram account: : uollibrary
Let us know of any issues relating to our e-resources:
We'll get back to you as soon as possible with a solution or to request more information.
We value all your opinions and views and there are lots of ways you can provide feedback to help us develop our services.
Leave us a note in our Comments Corner, opposite the help desk.
Get involved in our Student Advisory Group. A new group meets every academic year and we'll be asking for volunteers and announcing more information soon.
Should you wish to make a complaint about a matter relating to The Library, or the services provided, the following steps are available to you:
In the first instance please either
Please provide full details of the nature of the complaint, including any relevant background information, along with your name and contact details.
We will try to resolve the matter straightaway wherever possible, but if an immediate solution is not possible an explanation will be given as to what action will be taken next, and we will endeavour to deal with your complaint as quickly as possible.
If you are not satisfied with how the issue has been resolved, University of Lincoln students should follow the official complaints procedure, as detailed in the Student Handbook.
Members of staff may wish to consider the University's Grievance procedure, and may write to the Vice Chancellor.
The Library holds the Customer Service Excellence accreditation. This award is regularly reassessed and we hope it demonstrates a clear commitment to providing excellent customer service.
Find out more about the Customer Service Excellence award