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Copyright for students

As a student you can make a single photocopy of copyright material for your own private study or research though the amount that can be copied or downloaded is limited.

What can I photocopy or print?

Under the CLA Higher Education Licence you can photocopy/print:

  • up to 10% or one chapter of a book (whichever is greater);
  • up to 10% or one article from a single issue of a journal (whichever is greater);
  • up to 10% or one paper of one set of conference proceedings;
  • up to 10% or one case of one report of judicial proceedings;
  • photographs, illustrations, charts or diagrams where they are included in an extract or article;
  • one short story or one poem or one play of not more than 10 pages in an anthology of short stories, poems or plays.

What can I scan or save?

If you make an electronic copy (scan or save) you should not:

  • alter the work;
  • pass it on;
  • upload it to the VLE (Blackboard/Canvas/Moodle), a blog, or any other web server that can be accessed by others;
  • keep multiple copies (e.g. save the file in more than one place).