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Can't find what you need?

Our Inter-library loan and Scan & Send services can help!

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I still can't access what I need - what do I do?

In the first instance, we would recommend searching the Library website so that as long as you have “Full Text Online” selected, you will be directed to the full text of the article.

If, however, you have accessed a resource from outside the Library website (e.g. via Google or publisher websites), or cannot access something you would expect to, you may need to log-in directly to the publisher’s website.

Library Website search with “Full Text Online” option selected

Library Website search with “Full Text Online” option selected [click on image to enlarge]


In this instance, look for "institutional access" or "OpenAthens / Shibboleth" login options:-

Type "University of Lincoln" in the "Search for your institution" box - this will direct you to the University of Lincoln Sign-In page where you can enter your University email address and password (if you have already logged into your account in your current browser session, you may not need to do this). 

If you need to select your Federation, select "UK Higher Education" to be presented with a list of institutions. Select "University of Lincoln" and login as above.

If University of Lincoln is not listed, it may be that we do not subscribe to the resource you are trying to access. If in doubt, contact the Library.


Screenshot of an institutional login screen with option to "Search for your institution or select your region or federation" and another option to "Sign in with your OpenAthens account"

Institutional Login screen with options to search for your institution or select your Federation and institution, or Sign in with your OpenAthens account [click on image to enlarge]

How do I access Library online resources via Shibboleth?

Shibboleth is a method of authentication which directs users to an institution’s Single Sign-On (SSO) – this tells the publisher where you are from and that you have the rights to access the content as part of that institutions paid-for subscribed content.

Instructions on how to access online resources using Shibboleth can be found in our FAQ:-

How do I access Library online resources via Shibboleth?

University of Lincoln Single Sign-On page

University of Lincoln Single Sign-On page with instruction to "Sign in with your University E-Mail address" and password

Click on image to enlarge.