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LibKey Nomad banner: Fast and easy access to scholarly articles found on popular websites

What is LibKey Nomad?

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension which can help you identify quickly when an online article is available from the Library.

It provides links to full-text content held by the Library from publisher websites, Wikipedia, and PubMed.


Searching Google, PubMed, and other sites? Download the LibKey Nomad browser extension to get fast, one-click access to scholarly articles.

How does it work?

     LibKey Nomad directs you to the website where you would have subscription access to an article through the Library.  

      LibKey Nomad also offers open access alternatives, if subscribed access isn't available.

      On Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed and Wikipedia, you will also see in-line (i.e. just below the article citation) LibKey Nomad "Download PDF" links that will connect you seamlessly to the Library's subscription access to the article, if we have it, or to an Open Access version, if available.

LibKey Nomad Download PDF button

How do I download LibKey Nomad?

Check out the LibKey Nomad download page to see if your browser is supported. It is currently available for personal devices only. It is not compatible with mobile devices.


Download LibKey Nomad

Getting started with LibKey Nomad

Once downloaded, click 'Add' and when prompted choose "University of Lincoln" and start researching!

LibKey Nomad Download set-up