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Key Academic & Digital Information Skills Framework

A guide for academic staff


Stage Level - Advanced
Finding information
  • Formulate research questions
  • Break these complex questions down into simple question components for searching
  • Refine your search strategies and use advanced searching techniques in a range of subject specific resources
    • Multiple synonyms and combination searches
    • 360 degree searching/citation chaining
  • Identify the different levels of information available (primary, secondary, tertiary)
  • Identify key journals, authoritative sources, experts and networks in your discipline
  • Understand the additional sources of information that are available: British Library, JISC Library Hub, Institutional Repository, and SCONUL scheme
Evaluating information
  • Clearly define the scope of a research question and apply relevant criteria to filter large quantities of information
  • Use advanced methods, such as systematic review to answer your research question
  • Follow the development of an area of research, comparing and contrasting evidence, and synthesising information to form connections and build your own arguments
  • Articulate and justify the decisions you have made in choosing and using sources appropriate to your information needs
  • Reflect on the research process, assess whether the information need has been met, and redefine as necessary
Managing information
  • Develop a range of strategies to keep up to date in your discipline, including saving searches & setting up alerts for key journals/resources
  • Decide on a strategy & workflow for managing information which suits your discipline & purpose
  • Evaluate reference management tools and strategies for suitability with your chosen strategy & workflows
  • Use reference management software to collate references from your research in one place, and prepare bibliographies
  • Collect, access and use information legally & ethically, understanding how to communicate finding clearly and in an appropriate style
  • Articulate which resources you have used whilst studying, describe the skills you have developed in the process, and how these were developed (in readiness for further study, placements, interviews & the workplace