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Free online tools for research and writing after university

for students leaving the University who would like to continue to access research

There is a large collection of websites providing free online access to scholarly material.  These websites are particularly useful for those who are in the process of leaving or have left university. 

Use these online tools to keep up-to-date with research in your chosen field and to improve your employability.  

Accessing libraries

Pre-prints and repositories

Subject specific resources

Reference management tools

Open access resources


Writing and proof-reading

Evaluating information

A large amount of information is freely available on the Internet. It is important, when using the Internet for research purposes, to evaluate the reliability of the sites: use the checklist to help you evaluate the information that you find on the Internet.

  • Is the site Authoritative? (Who is the author? What authority do they possess?)
  • Is the site Accurate? (Are any claims supported by reliable evidence?)
  • Is the site Impartial? (Is the information biased?)
  • Is the site Current? (Is the information up-to-date?)
  • Who are the Audience? (Who is the site aimed at?)
  • Is the site Reliable? (Are links from the site working and pointing to other reliable sites?)