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Leading Safer Organisations

What are databases?

Research databases are ideal when you need to conduct a more focused search than the library website provides. Databases contain abstracts, journal articles and conference papers on specific subjects.  They are ideal for searching specialist resources in your subject area. You can use the library website for searching across multiple databases but for more specific searching please see the list below of databases that are useful for Safeguarding.  

Library Website - journals

Image of the Library search box

Use the Library website to search across multiple databases:

Key databases

These databases are aimed at social workers but contain key resources for safeguarding practice

Other useful databases

The databases below cover the humanities and social sciences.

Recordings of how to search in various databases

Below are a selection of recordings to help you use various databases.

How to use Social Policy and Practice

Recording showing you how to use the Social Policy and Practice database - this is an abstract database but often does provide links to the full text of articles.

How to use Community Care Inform

How to search using the Scopus database

Scopus is an abstract database but does provide a link to the full text.  It is very useful for going one step further with your research, when carrying out your dissertation and when struggling to locate resources on a particular topic. It is very useful because of it's citation chaining.  It can be tricky to use to find the right keywords, try a variety and remember synonyms. This is a practical recording of how to carry out a basic search.

Law databases

Useful for legal information and cases. In addition please use Nexis and Lexis which are in the newspaper tab.  These are also law databases.

Statistical databases

Psychology databases

Please note these two databases listed below are from the American Psychological Association.

Abstract and Index database