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Why are journals important?

Journals are regular scholarly publications which contain articles on specific subjects.

They are important in academic research for a number of reasons:

  • they are the main forum by which research is published,
  • they can explore a narrow topic in depth,
  • they contain current or recent research findings,
  • they are often peer-reviewed so that research findings are checked by other subject experts.

You can use the databases to search for journal articles.  Alternatively you can search directly in a journal for articles.  This is very precise searching but can be very useful if you are looking for a topic in a very specific field.

Electronic Journals

Electronic journals can be used for very precise searching within a particular journal or when you are looking for a specific article.

You can also use the electronic journals to check whether the full text of a journal is available electronically.



You can browse electronic journals through BrowZine.  You can use the search box to find specific journals in BrowZine or use the explore journals box to look at titles specifically about Social Work.

Browzine helps you keep up to date with your area of research by bookmarking those journals that are of interest to your field.

How to use the electronic journals search

Explore the collection of Social Work journals