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International students

Library information for international students

View of an avenue lined with International flags on poles

Library information for international students

Welcome to the library at the University of Lincoln. The library is committed to ensuring that all international students are comfortable and confident when visiting and using the library's resources.  

Studying in the UK may be very different to what you are used to.  This guide has been developed to help you understand what is expected of you as a student studying in a UK university.  It provides guidance on using the library, key study skills you will need to develop and information about the help available.  

The best place to start is the online reading list for your module. Click on the button below for more information.

Reading lists: a guide for students

1. Get to know your library

It is important that you get to know your library as soon as possible.  You will be spending a lot of time either in the library or using the digital resources available. 

  • Have a look at the Welcome to the Library guide.
  • Your student ID card is also your library card.  Carry it with you at all times as you will need it to enter and leave the University Library. You will also need it to borrow items.
  • You are able to borrow books, DVDs and laptops for free for a limited time. Make sure you know when borrowed items are due back.
  • You are able to collect items that you would like to borrow yourself. Find out where they are located by searching for them on the library website.
  • The library has a large collection of electronic resources that are available for free.  If you are asked to log in, use your university email address and password.
  • There are two libraries on the Lincoln campus and a selection of library learning lounges. Click here for more information on study spaces across campus.   

2. Find out what support is available in the library

Library staff are available in the library and online to help you with accessing and using the library.  In addition to this, you will find there are services and staff available to help with specialist support:

3. Ask for help when you need it

If you need help you can ask any member of staff in the library. If they are not able to help they will refer you to somebody who can. 

You can also ask for help by:

: +44 (0) 1522 88 6222 (24/7)


: Live chat

Full book shelves with some tables and chairs with wording Library resources: how to find resources for your subject

Section of a dictionary entry with wording 'Library language: terms and words explained' overlaid

Full book shelves with people studying at a table with wording 'Study skills: resources and support to help you develop your study skills'