AI systems use algorithms to process large amounts of data. Writing text, generating images and videos, summarising journal articles, translating languages and making decisions are just some of the tasks that AI can complete.
If using generative AI tools in your learning, it is important you understand what is considered appropriate. The use of AI when completing assessments is only permitted if you have been told by your tutor that is it acceptable.
It is essential that you maintain academic integrity when using AI tools in your academic research and work so you should only use them to support your learning. Despite the impact of AI, it is still equally important you maintain your own development of skills and knowledge.
It is an academic offence at the University of Lincoln if you use AI tools to generate an answer to an assessment or submit any part of a response generated by AI as your own work. If you use AI tools as part of the learning process, you must maintain good academic practice and integrity by acknowledging your use of AI tools in the development of your work. Failure to include this information could result in an investigation to see if you have committed an academic offence. Click here for more information about academic integrity.
If using AI to research a topic you must check all information generated is correct. AI is known to fabricate information, including references to journal articles. AI can be useful to gather background knowledge on a particular topic and create a search strategy (a list of keywords and phrases to use to find sources) but you must always be critical of the response and evaluate it.
AI technology is advancing rapidly, and its integration into daily software and search engines is becoming more prevalent. AI takes a more conversational approach which is reshaping how we search for information.
You will need to develop your digital skills and remember to think critically when using any AI tools. The library can support you with your use of AI by providing guidance on how to develop good academic practice and critical awareness skills when using generative AI. These skills will ensure you use generative AI tools responsibly and ethically.
When using AI tools, make sure you:
If you are allowed to use AI to help you develop your ideas, research or plan the writing process, it must be acknowledged appropriately, even if you do not include any content generated from AI in your assessment.
Your tutor should provide guidance on how to do this but, if this information has not been given, you should acknowledge the use of generative AI tools by:
The university has created an originality statement which students need to use to state that an assessment is their own work. It is important to read and understand the originality statement that can be found in the assessment area of Blackboard, along with information about academic offences.
If you are required to cite information generated by AI, reference it by providing the following information:
Generative AI creates unrecoverable content, so references in the Harvard, OSCOLA and Vancouver style do not require a URL.
In Harvard referencing this would follow the format:
In OSCOLA referencing this would follow the format:
In IEEE referencing this would follow the format:
In Vancouver referencing this would follow the format:
Click here for information on how to cite AI using the APA style of referencing.
Edit and use the statement that best reflects your use of AI:
Use the statement that best describes your use of AI:
You will need to log into Skills for Study to be able to view the content. Click on the relevant image for more information.
You will need to log into Skills for Study to be able to view the content. Click on the relevant image for more information.
You will need to log into Skills for Study to be able to view the content. Click on the relevant image for more information.
You will need to log into Skills for Study to be able to view the content. Click on the relevant image for more information.
Oxford English Dictionary (2023) Artificial intelligence. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Available from [accessed 26 April 2024].
The content on this page has derived (with permission) from information about AI on the following websites: