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EndNote 20

Exporting references from databases

Most of the Library's databases support the direct export to EndNote function. This is a straightforward way of adding references to your EndNote library. 

Every database works a little differently, but most databases can export to EndNote with these general steps:

  1. Run your search 
  2. Select the citations you want to save with an "Add" button or check box
  3. Look for a Save/Export/Download option
  4. Choose "Save to EndNote Desktop" or "Export to your bibliographic software" or a similar option. A .ciw file may appear for you to click on, or you may be prompted to save your file in RIS format
  5. If EndNote is open, it will recognise that your browser is sending citation data, and the references will be saved automatically to your library. If EndNote is not open, you will be prompted to select the library in which you want the references saved

If you are not sure how to export references to EndNote from a specific resource please contact us