Choosing where to publish your work can be a daunting process. This page will give you an overview of things to consider when deciding where to submit your manuscript.
You will also need to stay alert to the dangers of predatory publishing outlined in the video below.
When your manuscript is accepted by a publisher it's important to upload it to the Research Repository as soon as possible, regardless of embargo or publisher restrictions. This will help ensure that your manuscript is compliant with relevant open access policies. The repository staff will perform checks and contact you if they need any additional information about your manuscript.
The repository team has a help blog or you can email them with any questions.
Publishing open access with a transformative agreement:
The easiest way the publish gold open access free of change is to use a transformative agreement that the University of Lincoln subscribes to.
The term transformative agreement refers to a type of journal subscription model that includes both access (read) charges and publishing (publish) charges. These agreements are negotiated between journal publishers and JISC. They are also known as Read & Publish agreements.
On a traditional model, articles written by academics at UK universities are sent to publishers who publish them behind a subscription pay-wall for a profit. If universities, researchers, or funders want research to be open access they pay an article processing charge (APC), ensuring that the article is free to access. Transformative agreements, by contrast, are a new model whereby the subscription fee that the library pays for content also allows authors from a subscribing institution to publish open access with no additional cost.
No one transformative agreement, however, is the same; some offer the chance to publish open access in all of the publisher's titles, whilst others only offer open access publication in 'hybrid' journals (journals that include a mixture of subscription and open access articles).
Some also include clauses on the maximum number of articles covered by each agreement per year. Click or tap on the publisher name below to find out more about each agreement that the University of Lincoln subscribes to. You can also check Lincoln's participation in an agreement using JISC's Transitional Agreement Lookup Tool.
Summary: Allows unlimited publishing in all hybrid and fully OA titles. Corresponding authors select institutional from a drop-down box and use your affiliated university email address. UoL will be automatically notified of your request. Authors retain copyright. More information can be found on the ACS website.
Eligible Journals:
Publication in all gold and hybrid journals.
American Physiological Society
Information about the agreement can be found on the APS website.
Eligible Journals:
Eligible Journals can be found on the APS website.
Corresponding author should request Gold OA at submission. Eligible articles will be approved on a first come first served basis. In order to meet funder requirements, Wellcome funded articles will be funded regardless. More information can be found on the BMJ website.
Eligible Journals:
Permits open access publishing for unfunded articles: No. Only permits research funded by the following: UK Research and Innovation, British Heart Foundation, Blood Cancer UK, Cancer Research UK, Parkinsons UK, Versus Arthritis or the Wellcome Trust.
Type of article:
Original Research Only
Permits open access publishing in gold and hybrid journals. There is no cap for this agreement. More information about the agreement can be found on the CUP website.
Eligible Journals:
A list of eligible journals can be found on the CUP website.
Permits open access publishing for unfunded articles: Yes.
Type of article:
Original research, research articles, Rapid communications, Review articles, Brief Reports, Case Reports. More information can be found on the CUP website.
More information about the agreement can be found on the Company of Biologists' website.
Eligible Journals:
All Hybrid and open access journals which can be found on the Company of Biologists' website.
Follow the email sent on acceptance to select publishing options; your affiliation will be confirmed by UoL and sent for approval.
More information can be found in a video produced by Elsevier.
Permits open access publishing for unfunded articles: Yes.
Article Types:
Research and Review articles, Case Reports, Data in Brief, Microarticle, Original Software Publication, Protocol, Replication Study, Short Communication, Short Survey, Video Article, Practice Guideline. More information can be found on Elsevier's website.
Details of the OUP agreement can be found on the OUP website.
Eligible Journals:
Open Access publishing is permitted in hybrid and gold journals. Some society titles may be excluded. Full lists of journals can be found in a spreadsheet produced by OUP.
Permits open access publishing for unfunded articles: Yes.
Article Types:
Research and review articles.
Summary: Unlimited number of Author Processing Charges (APCs). Select Gold Open Access on the Author Services Dashboard from acceptance; choose UoL as your institutional affiliation. UoL is automatically notified of your request.
Eligible Journals: Permits open access publishing in journals listed.
Types of article: Research and Review Articles, Short Paper, Survey Articles, Technical Notes, Tutorials, Interviews, Notes.
Permits open access publishing for unfunded articles: Yes.
More information about RSC read and Publish deal can be found on the RSC website.
Eligible Journals:
Authors can publish in all hybrid journals. More information can be found on the RSC website.
Covers open access publishing in SAGE Premier package, IMechE Journal Collection and the Royal Society of Medicine Collection.
Eligible Journals:
A list of eligible journals can be found in a spreadsheet produced by SAGE.
Permits open access publishing for unfunded articles: Yes.
Eligible Articles: Excludes book reviews and commercially sponsored articles.
Information about the UK’s Read and Publish agreement with Springer can be found on Springer's website.
Eligible Journals:
A list of eligible journals can be found in a spreadsheet produced by Springer.
Permits open access publishing for unfunded articles: Yes.
Eligible Articles:
Original research papers, review articles, brief communications, and continuing education articles.
Permits open access publishing in hybrid journals.
Once affiliation is confirmed, authors receive an email asking for CC license selection. The deal is first-come-first-served and there is a cap on the articles within a calendar year.
Eligible Journals:
Check eligibility using the Taylor and Francis Cost Finder Tool.
Allows UK HEI sector number of APC credits on a first-come-first-served basis. If this limit is reached, only UKRI/Wellcome funded research is allowed for the remainder of the year.
Eligible Journals:
Eligible subscription journals offering Online Open and Wiley fully Gold Open Access Journals.
Once your article is accepted, authors can select open access through the Gold Open Access Author Services Dashboard.
Publishers can publish in Online Open and Gold Open Access Journals.
Permits open access publishing for unfunded articles: Yes.
Article Types:
Research and Review Articles.