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Your first stop for research: a guide to resources for Psychology


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Databases are:

  • searchable banks of journal articles​
  • they can be subject specific or generic​
  • they contain thousands of journal articles which you can search simultaneously via keyword search to retrieve relevant results​
  • some are full-text – others are abstract only​.

You can search across most of the Library's databases (we have over 200) using the Find books and articles search on the Library homepage. But searching across individual databases provides access to subject specific high quality articles and you won't be overwhelmed by the number of results you are finding (as you can be using the main library search).

Useful Databases for Psychology

Database Searching Tips

Identify the main concepts and keywords. Break your topic/question down into three of four different keywords rather than putting the whole title of your assignment in the database search box . E.g., if you are wanting to find research relating to the development of language in children with autism, you could break your search down into the three concepts:
"language development" AND children AND autism.

Find Synonyms (alternative keywords) (Boolean OR broadens the search to include alternative keywords or subject thesaurus terms):

  • teenagers OR adolescents

AND (joins concepts and narrows the search)  :

  • autism AND "language development"

Use Truncation (putting * at the end of a word stem will search all forms of the word). This is a really useful technique as it avoids having to run lots of separate searches and ensures you are not missing out on relevant results.

  • child* (child, children, childhood, children's)
  • autis* (autism/autistic/autistic spectrum disorder)

 "...." (inverted commas) use for a phrase

  • "language development"


My EBSCOhost will allow you to:

  • Save searches and/or references to your own personalised folder(s) to revisit at a later date
  • Create email alerts and/or RSS feeds to keep up to date with the latest journal literature
  • Save references and organise your research in personalised folders
  • Bookmark or share your research with others.