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Reviews of books in philosophy can be helpful when you are trying to decide whether or not a particular book will be useful to you. They are also a valuable way to gain information about recent work in the discipline. A few open-access book reviews journals are listed below. You can also search for reviews in philosophy databases, journals, and newspapers (see the tabs on these resources for more information about them).

Useful Websites

Google Scholar

You may find it helpful to search Google scholar for books, chapters, and articles relevant to what you are studying and researching. Often items are preview-only and cut out the bits you really need to read: keep in mind that you can use our interlibrary loan service to request items not in the library.

Google Scholar Search

Inter-library loans


Inter library loans are requests for items not held in our collections. These requests can include loans of books or copies of journal articles, book chapters or conference papers. 

In order to request an inter library loan, please fill in the form by clicking on the button below.

Please note: Inter library loans cannot be renewed.


Make an inter library loan request

Inter Library Loan logo



Requesting Inter library loans

We are now able to offer an inter library loan service for physical items, in addition to the existing digital service for articles and chapters. 

Some physical items may still be difficult to obtain and there may be delays in supply due to the ongoing restrictions in place with postal services and at other libraries. Electronic (PDF or SED) versions of articles, conference papers and single book chapters will continue to be supplied where possible.

Please allow additional time (up to 10 days) for your request to be supplied.

If you are unsure what you can request please contact the Acquisitions team.

Visiting Other Libraries

SCONUL Access is a scheme which allows many university library users to use or borrow books and journals at other libraries which belong to the scheme. Click here to learn more about it or sign up.

Library Hub Discover and Other Library Catalogues

Before visiting another library, it's always a good idea to check their catalog to make sure the material you want to see is available. You can generally find a library's catalog with a quick internet search. If you are planning to visit multiple external libraries or aren't quite sure where to go, merged library catalogues like Library Hub Discover and WorldCat can help you plan your research.


WorldCat is an international library catalogue. It is useful for looking for material on particular subjects and finding out in what libraries they are held. This makes it a very useful tool when you are planning a visit to another library.

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