Some databases allow exports of very large reference sets. EBSCO host, for example, allows up to 25,000 results to be imported and then added into reference management software
The University of Lincoln provides access to EndNote and RefWorks. These reference management tools can help with several aspects of the systematic review process, from exporting and saving the references from the Library databases; assisting with the screening process (you can, for example, set up different folders for your included and excluded references), to generating your reference list in your chosen output style (Harvard, APA 7th, etc.).
It is recommended that software management tools are used within systematic reviews to manage the large amounts of references which are retrieved from each database. Reference management tools can also be used for the deduplication process in systematic reviews. Searching across different databases will inevitably result in a large amount of duplication of results - these can easily be deduplicated using the tool within the reference management software you are using.
Three versions of EndNote are currently available:
EndNote 21 - the latest version, accessed through the EndNote app in Apps Anywhere. We recommend EndNote 21 to those who are completely new to EndNote and have not already created an EndNote library of saved references.
EndNote 20 - the previous version, accessed through the EndNote app in AppsAnywhere. If you are already using EndNote 20 we recommend continuing with EndNote 20 as the features are almost identical to EndNote 21.
EndNote X - this is the older version, available as a download to your own devices, or accessed via the Software Centre on University networked computers. If possible we suggest updating to either EndNote 20 or 21.
See the Library's EndNote support page for more information on using the three versions of EndNote.
Below is a recording of the Library's Introduction to EndNote webinar which will provide a useful introduction to EndNote to get you started.
Unlike EndNote, RefWorks is web based and does not use a platform so doesn't need to be downloaded. The first time you access RefWorks you will be asked to create an account. You should provide your University email address when setting up the account.
Below is a recording of the Library's Introduction to RefWorks webinar which is a useful introduction to using RefWorks to help get you started.
As databases will index overlapping content, there will be duplication of results across the different databases searched. As this duplication can amount to a significant number of results, reference management software can be used to automate this process.
For more information about finding duplicates in RefWorks see:
For more information about finding duplicates in EndNote see: