Over 900 books from Lincoln Cathedral’s John Wilson Library have been added to the University of Lincoln Special Collections catalogue, although the books remain at the Cathedral. These were added because images could be attached here but at a time when this was not possible on the Cathedral catalogue and to support students on the MA Nineteenth Century Studies course. The John Wilson library was formerly located in the rectory of Donington and is an example of a parish library containing mostly 18th and 19th century material.
John Wilson Junior and Senior were Calvinists and their library contains medical, homeopathic and veterinary books alongside sermons and ecclesiastical material. John Wilson Senior was vicar at Donington for 54 years. John Wilson Junior died in 1869 and left their combined libraries to the parish of Donington.
Image: John Wilson, Sr. (1758-1850)
The collection also includes travel books such as Yosy’s ‘Switzerland, as now divided into nineteen cantons’ and 'Bradshaw's monthly continental railway guide for travellers through Europe...' from May 1861.
The latter contains the official time and fare timetables of all the continental railways, steam boats, diligences, mail coaches etc., clear and full information in respect to passports, foreign moneys, hotel, routes, and an epitomized description of each country.
You can access this collection by searching on the Special Collections catalogue or on the Lincoln Cathedral Catalogue. Please contact the Special Collections Librarian for more information and to discuss your research requirements.
Image: John Wilson, Jr. (1804-1869)
Title page of Draper, J. (1772) The young student’s pocket companion or arithmetic, geometry, trigonometry, and mensuration, calculated for the improvement of youth at school, and for the benefit of such as have not the opportunity of a tutor. With an appendix, of the Gregorian Kalendar, determination of eclipses, plan of a perpetual almanac, some useful tables, &c. Whitehaven: printed by Allason Foster. (Ref: A23480)
Front cover of Yosy, A. (1815) Switzerland, as now divided into nineteen cantons. London: J. Booth. (Ref: WL.02.21-22)
Title page of Yosy, A. (1815) Switzerland, as now divided into nineteen cantons. London: J. Booth. (Ref: WL.02.21-22)
Image of 'Haymaker of Thoun' from Yosy's Switzerland, as now divided into nineteen cantons published 1815. (Ref: WL.02.21-22)
Image of 'Countrywoman of Thurgovla' from Yosy's Switzerland, as now divided into nineteen cantons published 1815. (Ref: WL.02.21-22)
Bradshaw's monthly continental railway, steam transit, and general guide, for travellers through Europe; containing the official time and fare tables of all the continental railways, steam boats, diligences, mail coaches &c.; clear and full information in respect to passports, foreign moneys, hotel, routes &c., &c., an epitomized description of each county... no 168 5th Mo. (May) 1861. London: W. J. Adams. (Ref: WF.08.36)
Front cover of Osburn, W. (1854) The monumental history of Egypt. London: Truber & Co. (Ref: See [Bishop’s] Library)
Title page of Scott, James. (1831) The village doctor; or, family medical adviser. London: Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper (Ref: WB.07.08)
Image description: Title page of The Village Doctor; Or, Family Medical Adviser published 1831 with etching of family - mother tending to baby, father with arm around mother looking at baby has other hand on books while a child plays on the floor at their feet.