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Technical Theatre

This is a guide to the library for students studying technical theatre.

Technical Theatre Websites

Website checklist

When evaluating websites use the following checklist to assess the reliability of the information:

  • Is the site Authoritative? 

(Who is the author and what authority do they possess?)

  • Is the site Accurate? 

(Are any claims supported by reliable evidence?)

  • Is the site Impartial?

(Is the information biased?)

  • Is the site Current?

(Is the information up-to-date?)

  • Who is the Audience?

(Who is the site aimed at?)

  • Is the site Reliable?

(Are links from the site working and pointing to other reliable sites?)

Visiting Other Libraries

SCONUL Access is a scheme which allows many university library users to use or borrow books and journals at other libraries which belong to the scheme. Click here to learn more about it or sign up.

Library Hub Discover and Other Library Catalogues

Before visiting another library, it's always a good idea to check their catalog to make sure the material you want to see is available. You can generally find a library's catalog with a quick internet search. If you are planning to visit multiple external libraries or aren't quite sure where to go, merged library catalogues like Library Hub Discover and WorldCat can help you plan your research.


WorldCat is an international library catalogue. It is useful for looking for material on particular subjects and finding out in what libraries they are held. This makes it a very useful tool when you are planning a visit to another library.

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