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Nursing, Health & Social Care and Allied Health Professions

Critical thinking, reflection, reading and writing

Social Work students in particular need to develop their ability to think and reflect critically and provide critical analysis in their written work.  If you feel you need to develop in this area or have had feedback on your assignments asking you to be more critical, you can get one to one help from the Writing Development team  at the library or you could attend one of their workshops on Critical Writing, which will be advertised on the library webpage. In addition they have recorded many of their workshops, these workshops include critical thinking and writing critically.

The University Linkedin website also has lots of training resources relating to Critical thinking. 

Critical thinking model

Plymouth University has devised a critical thinking model to help you reflect and analyse a critical incident and how this can be used in your critical writing. This video shows the basics of the model:

Critical thinking and writing resources

There are a selection of books on the Academic Writing webpage of the library to help you with critical thinking

Stella Cottrell, Critical Thinking Skills and and Kate Williams, Getting Critical are practical books that you can work through to improve your skills and gain confidence in this area. The other books listed are specific to critical reading and writing in Social Work.

Oxford Brookes University has developed a guide 'Be more critical' aimed at Health and Social Care students.