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Finding ebooks for English

This is a short tutorial on finding ebooks for English. Please click on the 'Watch in Panopto' arrow at the bottom-right of the screen in order to access the full tutorial. 

Library Website - books

Image of the Library search box

Use the Library website to search for books and ebooks:

Ebook Databases

The following databases provide full-text electronic books


The books in the libraries are organised by the Dewey Decimal System. Each book has a number on the spine called a shelfmark.  The majority of books for your subject will be located in the University Library.  

In the University Library, the first floor has books with shelfmark numbers from 000-649 (apart from 340-349.99 which are in the Law Library on the third floor) and the second floor has books with numbers from 650-999.

Try browsing the shelves for books on a particular topic or search on the Library catalogue ( to find out where the books are located.

Useful shelfmarks for English include:

801  Literary Theory
810  American Literature
821  English Poetry
822  English Drama
823  English Novel


Other areas such as Philosophy 190 and Linguistics 400 will also be relevant to your degree.

Useful links