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Your first stop for research: a guide to resources for Criminology

Library Website - journals

Image of the Library search box

Use the Library website to search across multiple databases:

Choose from the different search options:

Find books - search for print books in the Library and some eBooks.  Try searching by author surname and a few keywords from the book title, or the book title, if searching for a specific book. Use keyword searching to find books on a particular topic.

Find books and articles - search by keywords to find books, some eBooks and journal articles across multiple electronic databases.

Advanced search - this is the recommended Library search option to use when searching for books and journal articles as it provides more options to build your search and refine your search results.  Search by keywords to find books, some eBooks, journal articles and other sources across multiple electronic databases. 

You may also want to search some of the databases individually.  These can provide different search options and not all of the database content is available through the Library website search.

Useful databases

Research databases contain abstracts, journal articles and conference papers on specific subjects. The databases listed below are likely to be most useful for Criminology, but you can find the full list of all the research databases which the Library subscribes to on the databases page.

Additional databases for Criminology