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Your first stop for research: a guide to resources for Criminology

Library Website - books

Image of the Library search box

Use the Library website to search for books and ebooks:

Choose from the different search options:

Find books - search for print books in the Library and some eBooks.  Try searching by author surname and a few keywords from the book title, or the book title, if searching for a specific book. Use keyword searching to find books on a particular topic.

Find books and articles - search by keywords to find books, some eBooks and journal articles across multiple electronic databases.

Advanced search - this is the recommended Library search option to use when searching for books and journal articles as it provides more options to build your search and refine your search results.  Search by keywords to find books, some eBooks, journal articles and other sources across multiple electronic databases. 

Reading lists

Most modules will have an online reading list. Reading lists often provide links to essential and recommended readings for the module. They can also be a good starting point for finding books and other resources for assignments. Reading lists can be accessed via the relevant module site on Blackboard.  Alternatively go to the Reading Lists site directly and search by module code or name.

More information on reading lists is available on the Library guide Reading lists: a guide for students

How to find your book in the University of Lincoln, Brayford Campus Libraries

How to take books out using the self-service machines

Inter-library loans

Inter-library loans are requests for items not held in our collections to be obtained via other libraries.  For more details and to make requests go to the Library's Inter-library loans page.


The books in the libraries are organised by the Dewey Decimal System. Each book has a number on the spine called a shelfmark.  The majority of books for your subject will be located in the University Library.  However, due to the interdisciplinary nature of some topics, relevant books will also be located in The Ross Library. 

In the University Library, the first floor has books with shelfmark numbers from 000-649 (apart from 340-349.99 which are in the Law Library on the third floor) and the second floor has books with numbers from 650-999.

The Ross Library is located on the first floor of the Ross Lucas Medical Sciences building. 

Try browsing the shelves for books on a particular topic or search on the Library catalogue ( to find out where the books are located.

Useful Shelfmarks for Criminology include:

364.4    Crime Prevention
345    Criminal Law
364    Criminology
364.6 Penology
363.2    Police Services
362.88 Victims of Crime

New books

Details of new books that have recently arrived in the Library are available on the New Books for School of Social and Political Sciences reading list.