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Business and Management

A guide to library resources for students studying in the Lincoln International Business School (LIBS)

What are journals and why are they important?

Journals are regular scholarly publications which contain articles on specific subjects.

  • they are the main forum by which research is published,
  • they can explore a narrow topic in depth,
  • they contain current or recent research findings,
  • they are often peer-reviewed so that research findings are checked by other subject experts.

How do I find journal articles for my assignment?

You can search for journal articles using the library website but for more relevant results, you can search one or more of the business journal databases.



How can I find out if the library has access to a specific journal?

If you're looking for a an article and you know which journal it's in then the quickest way to check if we have access is to use the Electronic Journals A-to-Z .

Search Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

You can carry out a search on Google Scholar for journal articles relevant to your topic. It is particularly good for finding grey literature and official reports. 

Using Google Scholar's Library Links will ensure you don’t miss any relevant academic literature for your research.

Business and economics journals on Browzine