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Business and Management

A guide to library resources for students studying in the Lincoln International Business School (LIBS)


A large amount of information is freely available on the Internet. It is important, when using the Internet for research purposes, to evaluate the reliability of the sites: use the checklist to help you evaluate the information that you find on the Internet.


When evaluating websites use the following checklist to assess the reliability of the information:

  • Is the site Authoritative? (Who is the author and what authority do they possess?)
  • Is the site Accurate? (Are any claims supported by reliable evidence?)
  • Is the site Impartial? (Is the information biased?)
  • Is the site Current? (Is the information up-to-date?)
  • Who are the Audience? (Who is the site aimed at?)
  • Is the site Reliable? (Are links from the site working and pointing to other reliable sites?)

HRM websites