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Learning Skills

Discover and develop the essential skills for academic success

Critical thinking 

Critical thinking in academic work involves looking at ideas, theories, and evidence with a questioning mindset to determine their relevance, reliability and worth.

It involves analysing the evidence in detail, finding strengths and weaknesses, and considering the relevance and value of alternative viewpoints. Developing your critical thinking skills will enable you to provide carefully considered, evidenced based responses to your assignment questions. 

A screenshot of a segment of a coloured wheel with the heading critical thinking sticking out

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A photo of people with their hands with a play icon over the top. Below the picture is the text saying Critical thinking: a short guide

A photo of a pile of papers on a laptop with a play icon over the top. Below the photo it says critically analysing a journal article

A picture of a person on a computer and writing in a notepad with a play icon over it. There is text below the picture that says critical writing.

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