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MASH : Maths and Stats Help

Appointment Information and Booking

You can book your MASH appointment online. Here's how it works:

1. Answer a Few QuestionsYou will be guided though a short series of questions to help better understand your needs.

2. Receive a Recommended Advisor(s)Based on your responses, we will suggest the advisor(s) most suited to assist you.

3. Book your AppointmentAfter receiving your advisor recommendation, you will be directed to a booking calendar where you can select the type of appointment you would like, choose your advisor, and schedule your session directly.

This process aims to help you receive the right support as efficiently as possible.

Standard MASH Appointments: 

Up to 55-minute appointments, either online or in-person, that can be booked up to two weeks ahead. These appointments will be our current maximum length, which is usually between 30 and 55 minutes depending on demand. 

Last Minute MASH Appointments: 

Only available during busy periods, these are shorter appointments than our standard appointments and only bookable up to 24 hours ahead. These are secondary appointments placed between pre-booked appointments or in spaces available from cancellations. These can be booked up to 1 hour before the appointment. If these are available, you will see the button below and on the MASH home page. If you do not see these, please book a standard appointment.  

Chat with MASH Appointments: 

We also offer our short 10-minute 'Chat with MASH' appointments. These are carried out online over the Teams chat function or by Teams call. These are ideal for a quick question, a short follow-up query, or to check if we can help you ahead of booking a standard appointment.  



Statistics & Numeracy



Statistics & Numeracy



Mathematics & Numeracy




Important Information

We do not limit students use of the service, but we do ask you to book just one appointment at a time. Multiple bookings will be cancelled.

To make the most of any appointment, please prepare beforehand; plan what you can and have any relevant documents or data ready.