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Support for Academic Staff

What is Skills for Study?

Skills for Study is an interactive resource based on Stella Cottrell's Study Skills Handbook. It covers a range of academic skills and is designed to help students study at their own pace.

The logo for Bloomsbury's Skills for Study

Students can pick which module(s) they would like to study. Each module includes diagnostic tests, exercises and activities to help students measure their progress, become more confident and get the most out of their course.

Why use Skills for Study with your students?

  • Supplements existing study skills teaching and resources
  • Encourages independent study
  • Supports students with their skills development

Skills for Study has 12 modules that cover a range of skills:

  • Getting reading for academic study
  • Time management
  • Reading and note-making
  • Writing skills
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Referencing and understanding plagiarism
  • Exam skills
  • Groupwork and presentations
  • Confidence with numbers
  • Research principles
  • Projects, dissertations and reports
  • Employability and personal development

How to use Skills for Study in your teaching:

  • Incorporate Skills for Study into your own study skills teaching
  • Promote and link to Skills for Study from your module site in Blackboard
  • Embed videos into Blackboard 
  • Recommend Skills for Study to students who would benefit from extra support 

Picture of student studying and information about Skills for study

Skills for Study is available on and off campus. Click on the link or image above to access it. You will need to register with the site before you can access the content.