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Support for Academic Staff

Collections Update

Collections Update 

A number of Library subscriptions will not be renewed for this coming academic year. This includes print and electronic journals, databases and memberships.

These decisions have been made in consultation with academic colleagues, based on a thorough evaluation of usage data, use within the curriculum and potential value to research.

Our aim has been to minimise any potential impact and inconvenience, alongside carefully scrutinising the value for money of each of our subscriptions.

A list of subscriptions that will not be renewed is available below, and an indicator Resource update icon will be placed next to affected databases on the A-Z Databases page, with information about the date on which access to the resource ends.

In many instances, the same or similar content will still be provided via a different subscription or in an alternative format. These have been indicated below. Where there is no alternative, an Inter Library Loan may be possible.



If resources that you use are affected by this, and you would like help with finding alternative resources available from the library or open access, please contact your Academic Subject Librarian.

If you have further queries about the rationale of the cost saving process, please contact Liz Mallett, Assistant Director: Academic and Research Services.


Details of expiry dates for these titles will be given on the relevant entry on the A-Z Databases page.

Database Alternatives
ACTA Sanctorum  
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals Art & Architecture Source
Bibliography of British & Irish History  
Bloomsbury Architecture Library for HE  Art & Architecture Source
BRAD online In-depth analysis of newspapers and magazines available via Statista and MarketLine Advantage 
British Humanities Index (BHI) Humanities International Index (to be upgraded to Full Text).
British Standards Online (BSOL) Access to a tailored collection of standards will become available. 
Some international standards, ICS standards and IEEE standards can still be found through our IEEE Explore subscription: Browse IEEE Standards by Collection | IEEE Xplore
British Standards Online (BSOL) - The Wiring Regulation Module  Some international standards, ICS standards and IEEE standards can still be found through our IEEE Explore subscription: Browse IEEE Standards by Collection | IEEE Xplore
Dance in Video II (Dance Online) Digital Theatre Plus, Music & Performing Arts Collection, International Bibliography of Theatre and DanceBoB National 
Design & Applied Arts (DAAI) Art & Architecture Source
FAME Companies House, Google Finance
FT Online

Financial Times articles available via ProQuest One Business with a one month embargo.

Similar news and analysis available via

International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) ASSIA, SocINDEX with Full Text
Leisure and Tourism Abstracts Database Proquest One Business, Emerald Insight
MLA - International Bibliography JSTOR, Taylor & FrancisHumanities International Index (to be upgraded to Full Text), Literature Online 
Music Industry Data Rock's BackpagesLexis and Nexis for newspaper articles, Statista and MarketLine Advantage for larger record companies and streaming services.
New York Times 1851-2019 Nexis Uni
Nkoda IMSLP 
Open Library of Humanities Humanities International Index (to be upgraded to Full Text).
Patrologia Latina  
Routledge Performance Archive Digital Theatre Plus, Music & Performing Arts Collection, BoB National 
Subculture Archives Museum of Youth Culture
WARC - World Advertising Research Center MarketLine Advantage, Proquest One Business 
Washington Post 1877-2003  

Journals and memberships

#, A

Title Online access Alternatives
3D world (print version)    
AA Files (print version) Archived online access from JSTOR Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source
Abitare (print version)   Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source 
Accident Reconstruction Journal (print version)    
Agricultural History Review (print version) Archived rolling online access available from JSTOR  
American Craft (print version) Online access via Art & Architecture Source  
American Literature Archived online access from JSTORProject Muse, Literature Online: LION.  
Anarchist Studies   Alternative content via ASSIA, SocINDEX with full text
Annual Review of Ecology Evolution & Systematics Archived rolling online access available from JSTORBiological Science Database  
Antiquite Tardive   Alternative content via JSTOR
Applied and Environmental Microbiology Online access via  PubMed  
Architectural Record (print version) Online access via Art & Architecture Source, Nexis Uni  
Architectural Review (print version) Online access via Art & Architecture Source  
Architecture and Urbanism (Kenchiku to Toshi) (print version)   Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source 
Architectures Cree (print version)   Architectures Cree, Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source
Association of Independent Museums (AIM)    Association of Independent Museums, Alternative content via  Art & Architecture Source


Title Online access Alternatives
Baumeister   Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source 
Behaviour Online access via Academic Search Complete, JSTOR  
British Association for Local History membership   Local History News, Alternative content via JSTOR
British Wildlife (print version)    
Building (print version) Online access via Nexis Uni, ProQuest One Business  
Built Environment Limited archived online access from JSTOR  


Title Online access Alternatives
Campaign (print version) Online access via ProQuest One Business  
Casabella (print version)    
Ceramics: Art & Perception (print version) Limited online archive available from Art & Architecture Source   
Classical Antiquity Archived rolling online access available from JSTOR  
Conservation Land Management (print version)   Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source
Context (print version) Online access via Music & Performing Arts Collection  
Crafts Magazine (print version)   Crafts Magazine, Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source
Creative Review (print version) Limited online archive available from Art & Architecture SourceProQuest One Business  
Cyberpsychology Behavior & Social Networking   Alternative journals: Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, Computers in Human Behavior and alternative content via titles in ACM Digital Library


Title Online access Alternatives
Der Spiegel (print version)   Nexis Uni
Disability Rights Handbook on AskCPAG    
Domus (print version)   Domus


Title Online access Alternatives
Economic Review (print version)   Alternative content via Economic Analysis and Policy
Emotions : History Culture Society    
English Literary Renaissance Limited online archive available from JSTOR  
English Review (print version) Online access via Taylor & Francis  
Environment & History Limited online archive available from JSTOR  
Ethical Space (print version)    
Ethnomusicology Limited online archive available from JSTOR Alternative content via Music & Performing Arts Collection
European Business Law Review   Alternative journal: European Business Organization Law Review
European Foreign Affairs Review    
European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Online access via PubMed  
European Social Work Research   Some open access content from the publisher's website
Event Management Online access via ProQuest One Business  


Title Online access Alternatives
Families, Relationships and Societies   Some open access content from the publisher's website
Film Quarterly Online access via FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals Journals, JSTOR, Music & Performing Arts Collection, Screen Studies Collection  
Fine Homebuilding (print version)    
Flash Art International (print version) Online access via Art & Architecture Source   
Food Technology (print version) Online access via FSTA  
Foundation for Community Dance (Membership - includes 'Animated')   Some open access content from the publisher's website, Alternative content via Performing Arts Periodical Database
Frame (print version) Online access via Art & Architecture Source  
Fresh Produce Journal (print version)   Fresh Produce Journal, Alternative content via Campden BRIFood Science SourceFSTAMintel
Frieze (print version) Online access via Art & Architecture Source  
FX Magazine (print version)   FX Magazine


Title Online access Alternatives
Garten & Landschaft (print version)   Garten & Landschaft
Gesta (print version) Online access via Art & Architecture Source  
Grocer (print version) Online access via Nexis, Proquest One Business  


Title Online access Alternatives
Hat Magazine (print version)   Hat Magazine, Alternative content via Berg Fashion Library
Health Club Management (Membership - inc. Health Club Management ; Leisure Opportunities; Sports Management) (print version)   Some free content via the publisher's website
Historic House (print version)    
History of Political Economy Online access via Business Source Complete  
History of Political Thought Limited online archive available from JSTOR  
Hotshoe International (print version)   Hotshoe International, Alternative content via Berg Fashion Library
House of Commons Affairs; Fourth Estate Utopias (print version)    


Title Online access Alternatives
Imagine FX (print version)   Imagine FX
Inside Housing (print version   Inside Housing, Alternative content via
Art & Architecture Source
Institute of Hospitality (print version)   Institute of Hospitality
International Association of Arson Investigators (Membership - includes E425)    
International Food and Meat Topics (print version)   Alternative content via Campden BRIFood Science SourceFSTAMintel
International Journal of Physical Education (Internationale Zeitschrift fur Sportpadogik)   Alternative content via SPORTDiscus


Title Online access Alternatives
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy    
Journal of Consciousness Studies    
Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes    
Journal of Forensic Identification (print version)    
Journal of Human Rights & the Environment Archived online access from HeinOnline Law Journal Library  
Journal of Neuroscience Online access via PubMed  
Journal of Poverty & Social Justice Limited online archive via SocINDEX with Full Text  


Title Online access Alternatives
Labour History Review Online access via Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete  
Landscape Architecture (print version)   Landscape Architecture, Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source
Law Reports & Weekly Law Reports (print version) Online access via Westlaw UK,  
Local Population Studies (print)   Alternative content via JSTOR, SocINDEX Full Text, Taylor & Francis Online
Lotus International (print version)   Alternative content via  Art & Architecture Source


Title Online access Alternatives
Management Science Limited online archive available from Business Source CompleteJSTOR  
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise    
Mercian Geologist (print version)   Mercian Geologist
Modern History Review (print version)   Modern History Review
Museum (print version)   Museum, Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source
Museums Journal (print version)  

Museums Journal, Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source


Title Online access Alternatives
New Food (print version)   New Food, Alternative content via Campden BRIFood Science SourceFSTAMintel
New Scientist (print version) Online access via Academic Search CompleteNexis UniProQuest One Business  
New Statesman (print version) Online access via Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, ProQuest One Business  


Title Online access Alternatives
October Online access via Academic Search Complete, Art & Architecture Source  
Open House International (print version)   Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source
Operations Research Limited online archive available from Business Source CompleteJSTOR  
Oral History (print version) JSTOR  
Oxford International Law Reports (includes International Criminal law/International Human Rights/International Investment/International Law in Domestic Courts)   International Criminal Court, International Court of Justice, European Court of Human Rights, ICSID. International cases on Westlaw International and US Supreme Court cases/decisions on Nexis Uni

P, Q

Title Online access Alternatives
Page (print version)    
Parenthesis (print version)   Parenthesis
Phoenix (ceased publication) Archived online access via JSTOR  
Photoworks (print version) Limited online archive available from Art & Architecture Source Photoworks
Picture Restorer (print version)   Picture Restorer 
Politics Review (print version)    
Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique Online access via Project Muse  
Private Eye (print version)   Private Eye
Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society   Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society
Project : the Magazine of the Association for Project Management (print version)   Alternative content via Emerald InsightSage 
Quaderns d'arquitectura I'urbanisme (print version)   Quaderns, Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source


Title Online access Alternatives
Radical History Review Online access via Academic Search Complete  
Raw Vision (print version)   Raw Vision
Rendez-vous (print version)   Alternative French Language content available freely online
Research in Practice   Alternative content via Community Care Inform - AdultsCommunity Care Inform - Children
Resurgence & Ecologist (print version)    


Title Online access Alternatives
Scottish Society for the History of Photography (Membership)  

Study in Photography, Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source

Screen International (print version) Online access via FIAF, Music & Performing Arts Collection, Performing Arts Periodicals Database, Screen Studies Collection  
SF Camerawork (Center for Photography & Related Media)   BECTU, Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source
Social Cognition    
Society and Animals Online access via Academic Search Complete  
Soundings: A Journal of Politics and Culture Online access via Academic Search Complete, Project Muse  
Source Photographic Review (print version)    Source Photographic Review, Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source
Southern History (print version)   Alternative content via Taylor & FrancisJSTOR
Sports Management (print version) Online access via Business Source Complete  
Stage Screen and Radio (print version)   Stage Screen and Radio
Stahl Online    
State Crime Journal DOAJ, Archived online access via HeinOnline Law Journal Library, JSTOR  


Title Online access Alternatives
Time (print version) Online access via Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete  
Topos (print version) Online access via DOAJ  
Turps Banana (print version)   Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source

U, V

Title Online access Alternatives
Volume (print version)   Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source

W, X, Y, Z

Title Online access Alternatives
Walpole Society membership (print version) Limited online archive to The Volume of the Walpole Society available via JSTOR Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source
William Morris Society (includes the Journal of the William Morris Society ; William Morris Society in the US newsletter ; William Morris Society magazine) (print version)   Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source
Winterthur Portfolio Online access via Art & Architecture Source Winterthur Portfolio
World of Interiors (print version)   Alternative content via Art & Architecture Source
World Today (print version) Limited online archive available via JSTOR World Today
Zoo Grapevine and International Zoo News (print version)