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Lincoln School of Creative Arts

A guide to library resources for students studying in the Lincoln School of Creative Arts

Can I use other libraries?

If you can’t get what you need using our library or through our inter-library loan service, or if you want to explore other collections, you can use other academic libraries via the Sconul Access scheme

Join Lincolnshire Libraries

It’s a great idea to join the local public library as they have a great selection of fiction books, play texts and sheet music, and much more!

Lincoln Central Library is a short walk from campus, situated in the centre of Lincoln. Find directions and opening times on Lincoln Central Library website.
If you sign up, you can access more fiction audio and ebooks on the Libby app - you can add multiple library cards so just add your library card number!

How do I know where to find what I need?

It’s a good idea to check a library’s collection before making the trip so you don’t waste valuable study or research time. Searching before you visit allows you to make efficient use of your time while you're there.

You can find out where resources are by searching Jisc Library Hub Discover or by searching on a particular library’s catalogue:-

  • by searching on a particular library’s catalogue* - type the university name and the words “library catalogue” in a search engine, then search the catalogue by resource title and/or author.
    Some libraries have walk-in user services which allow you to access some of their electronic resources, too, while you're on site. Check library websites for details about their visitor services. 

*You can search the catalogues of most libraries before you visit by finding their catalogue online. If you can’t find their catalogue online, it’s worth contacting the library to ask if they have what you need and whether their resources are accessible to visiting students/researchers.