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Online reading lists (Talis Aspire) for Academic Staff

Bookmarking Resources

The quickest way to add a resource to your reading list is to bookmark it from the Library website.

You'll need to install a bookmark button or an extension to your browser to do this.

The Browser Extension - Recommended

To install the browser extension, the steps you follow will depend on the browser you are using.

  1. Go to the Talis Aspire help page - Installing and using a bookmarklet extension.
  2. Follow the instructions for the web browser you would prefer to use. Note that the browsers currently supported are Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.
  3. Once you have added the extension to your browser, make sure to set 'University of Lincoln' as your institution. Instructions on how to do this are available on this help page.

Adding Resources

One you have installed the bookmark button (which you might also hear called the bookmarklet tool) or the browser extension, you will be able to automatically capture the bibliographic details of any resource and add them to your reading list.

We've written step-by-step guidance on adding some of the most common types of resources using the bookmark button:

The process for adding these resources using the browser extension is almost exactly the same, except you will click on the browser extension rather than the bookmark button to capture the details of the resource.

Manually adding bookmarks

We would recommend using the bookmark button for all resources but sometimes you may need to add a bookmark manually. To do this:

  1. Log in to Reading Lists and go to 'My Bookmarks'
  2. Click on 'Add', and then 'Add manually'
  3. You'll be redirected to an item record page - fill in the Resource Type and Title
  4. Use the 'Add field' drop-down to add the author and publisher information. The more metadata you can include, the easier it is for us to check.
  5. Click 'Create & Add to List' to add the resource directly to one of your reading lists.

Screenshot showing manual bookmark screen in Talis Aspire Reading Lists