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Online reading lists (Talis Aspire) for Academic Staff

Submitting a reading list for review

Why Review?

When you have finished creating a reading list, we need to review the draft list to ensure all the resources on the list are available.  Once we've checked all the links we will publish the list to make it visible to students.   

If changes are made to an existing published list, the amended list needs to be reviewed and re-published before any the updates are visible.

So if you make any changes to any of your reading lists, you still need to send the list to review so the changes are visible to students.

Please allow at least five working days for the review to be completed to ensure that your list can be checked and published ready for when your students need to access them.

How to send a list for review

When you have finished either creating your list or making changes to your list, click on the 'Edit' button and then the 'Request' review option from the drop-down menu.

Screenshot of the edit menu in Talis Aspire reading lists

What happens when a list is sent for review?

The reading list is sent to your Academic Subject Librarian who completes the review. They check the Library has the items in stock and that the links are working correctly. They will then notify you about any items which need to be purchased/digitisations requested etc. Once they have completed the review, you will receive an automated email to tell you that the review has been done. The changes are then live on your reading list and are visible to students.

Your changes will not be visible to students until the reading list has been reviewed.