From the webpage that you would like to add to your reading list:
- Click on the Extensions icon (shaped like a puzzle piece near the address bar) and select the Talis Aspire Reading Lists Bookmarking Extension. If you have not yet added the browser extension, click here for more information.
The reading list software will pop up on your screen with information about the website added to the relevant boxes:
To add it to the relevant list:
- Scroll down the page and click on the Create & Add to list button:
A pop up will appear giving you the option to add to a specific list:
In addition to this you can:
- select where in the list you would like the website added
- add a Note for student - e.g. directing them to read a particular section or notes on why the website is relevant, etc.
- select an importance indicator (required) - Essential, Recommended, Further Reading)
- add a Note for library
- Scroll down and click on OK and you will be returned to the website
Please note: You will not see your updates until you either click on F5 or the refresh button.
If you would like to save the item to your bookmarks (to add to a reading list at a later date) click on the option to Create.