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APA 6th Edition - University of Lincoln

Referencing system for Psychology


In text citation

(Gates, 2013)


Reference List

Gates, B. [BillGates]. (2013, February 26). #Polio is 99% eradicated. Join me & @FCBarcelona as we work to finish the job

and #EndPolio. VIDEO: [Tweet]. Retrieved from


Author Surname, Initial(s). [Author’s screen name]. (Year, Month, Day). Title [Tweet]. Retrieved from URL

Citing tweets

  • Provide the author’s screen name in square brackets after their proper name.
  • If only the screen name is known, provide it without the square brackets (in place of the author’s real name).
  • Provide the content of the tweet (up to the first 40 words) as the title.
  • Do not italicise the title of tweets.