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APA 7th Edition - University of Lincoln

Software and Mobile Apps

Common or well-known software or apps mentioned in text (but not quoted from or paraphrased), do not need to be referenced. Examples include Microsoft Office products, social media apps (e.g. Facebook, Twitter), and survey or statistical software (e.g. Survey Monkey, R, or SPSS). In the text, give the name of the software or app and the version number if appropriate - e.g. IBM SPSS Statistics (Version 27).

If you do quote or paraphrase from any software or app, then an in-text citation and reference list entry is needed.

Similarly, provide an in-text citation and reference list entry if you reader is unlikely to be familiar with a piece of software or app.

Italicise titles in the reference list entry but not in the text.

Specialised software

Parenthetical citation 

(Muthen & Muthen, 2020)  

Narrative citation

Muthen and Muthen (2020)


Reference list  

Muthen, L. K., & Muthen, B. O. (2020). MPlus (Version 8.5) [Computer software]. Muthen & Muthen.


1. Software author(s) surname, comma, Initial(s) with a full stop after each initial (and comma if more than one author) 

 2. Date of software release in round brackets followed by a full stop  

3. Title of computer software italicised followed by version number in round brackets 

4. Computer software in square brackets followed by a full stop 

5. Publisher followed by a full stop

6. URL 

Mobile App

Parenthetical citation

(Anxiety Canada, 2019)

Narrative citation 

Anxiety Canada (2019) 


Reference list 

Anxiety Canada. (2019). MindShift CBT (Version 2.0.4) [Mobile app]. App Store.  



Author Surname, Initial(s). Or Name of group. (Year). Title of app (version number) [Mobile app]. App Store. URL